Sometimes I Lie – Alice Feeney (2018)

5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

I love twisty psychological thrillers. The kind that make you go “WHOA I NEVER SAW THAT COMING!”. But I also have this uncanny ability to figure out what the twist is! So therefore I spend a lot of the time in reflection of the books that I read, regretting that I was so easily able to figure out what was going on, and feeling disappointed, yet at the same time proud of myself and a little self-inflated for figuring it out. And I thought this book was just going to be another predictable one. I had heard there was at least one big twist, so I was prepared. I braced myself, carefully listened to all the information that was given, and quickly formulated my own conclusion. “HA!” I thought when I was correct… “You can’t fool me! Mel, the master of figuring out the twist!”.



It got me.

A curve. An unexpected thunderstorm. I was stuck in the rain without an umbrella, and I bloody loved it!

Amber is in a coma. She can’t move. But she is aware of everything going on around her. How did she get there? Is she still in danger?

This is a really tricky one to review. I don’t want to give anything away.

I loved the writing, how she put it together.

The characters were fantastic! Every one of them. There were so many different side stories to keep you intrigued. It was just a lot of fun.

The only problem with this book is a professional one. Not as a book reviewer, as you can clearly see – I am no professional… It is as a nurse. And its the same complaint I have with every coma story that I read.If you have a tube in your mouth and a ventilator breathing for you – you cant smell anything! You can’t smell if you are not breathing through your nose. Air needs to get through. Sure, some air may get through, but not enough to be able to describe the intricate smells that Amber often experiences. Yes I know, she may have been hallucinating it or dreaming it. She was hardly a reliable narrator… But, general rule: Air going through tube is bypassing the nose. Therefore non existent or minimal smelling. Certainly not detailed smells as she was describing. However that’s just me and any reader without a medical background, or who just doesn’t care, wont even think about it. But its a pet peeve of mine.

Anyway otherwise, great story, great characters and that thunderstorm man. Loved it! I got the kindle and audio version, the narrator was SUPERB! Thought it was fantastic!

Would I recommend Sometimes I Lie?

Yes! Loved it! If you are thriller fan I highly recommend you check it out!

I purchased Sometimes I Lie at my own expense.


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Hi my name is Mel. I'm from Sydney, Australia and I am a nurse and a mother of two. This blog is a collaboration of my thoughts about books! I couldn't keep track of the books i've read, so I started to review each one I read. I hope you enjoy and find a book you want to read! Let me know how you go! *I am a Book Depository affiliate and may earn a small commission if you purchase through these links. All others are non-affiliate links.


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