On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street #1) – Samantha Young (2012)

1 out of 5 stars (1 / 5)

I rarely rate books below 2-3 stars. Not because I enjoy every book, but I tend to abandon books I am not enjoying. Personally I don’t like to give a rating to a book if I haven’t read every word and had the full experience… Well, it’s finally happened. I finished a book and only rated it 1 star! I never thought I would get to the point of continuing on if I really disliked something that much, but here we are.

“I’ll find a nice romance!” I said to myself. “Something with a nice safe high goodreads rating…” EPIC FAIL

So Joss has a rough childhood, losing both parents and her best friend in a few short years. She moves to Scotland and is attempting to write a book. She finds a nice house and housemate on Dublin Street and there starts her encounter with Braden, her housemates brother. Joss has a lot of issues and has trouble letting anyone in, but Braden will force (literally) his way into her heart.

WHAT THE HELL IS SO APPEALING ABOUT THESE MALE CHARACTERS!!?? How come in a “romance” book, “No” means “push me until I cave in” and HOW IS THAT ROMANTIC!??

It was off to a cute start, girl meets guy, sparks fly, bit of steamy tension. And then he becomes Mr Intense Stalker.

And what the hell was with Joss!?? What a complete moron. After the initial tension exploded there was a lot of angst. And not much else.

Why did I keep reading? Because it had a cute subplot, even though even THAT romance had elements of emotional abuse. And by that stage I was almost at the end anyway and I wanted to see where it all went, if it was salvageable in any way. Sigh.

Would I recommend On Dublin Street

Look, if annoying emotionally damaged moronic females and dominating males with emotional and sexual abuse disguised as “intense romance” is your thing, then don’t let me stop you. Apparently tens of thousands of others were completely sold!

I purchased On Dublin Street at my own expense.



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Hi my name is Mel. I'm from Sydney, Australia and I am a nurse and a mother of two. This blog is a collaboration of my thoughts about books! I couldn't keep track of the books i've read, so I started to review each one I read. I hope you enjoy and find a book you want to read! Let me know how you go! *I am a Book Depository affiliate and may earn a small commission if you purchase through these links. All others are non-affiliate links.


Suzanne · April 29, 2022 at 4:07 pm

I went to your one star list just to see…. oh no!!

    Mel · April 29, 2022 at 5:18 pm


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