Children of Time – Adrian Tchaikovsky (2015)
(5 / 5)
Don’t you love those years where you think that you have read the best books of the year already, and then one book comes along and BLOWS THEM ALL OUT OF THE WATER!!!! ?
Its difficult to condense this extraordinary tale that spans thousands of years, into a single paragraph. Also, I don’t want to give anything away because it will spoil it. So ill be as simple, and as vague as possible. Humans go out of the solar system to colonise other planets. Things don’t exactly go to plan. There is a lot of fighting, a lot of evolution, a lot of characterisation, and a whole lot of INTELLIGENT GIANT KILLER SPIDERS!!!
I am glad I listened to the audio version of this. Not because it would be any better than the written version, but because I am struggling to find the time to read at the moment with work and looking after two small children (one being a demanding teething baby). So audio books are about the only way I am able to read at the moment. I listen to them while doing housework and cooking, while driving to and from work, and during any other spare moment I have during the week. And although I miss reading written words, audio books – GOOD audio books, have a magic about them that words on a page do not have. A good narrator can turn a good story into a great one, just as a bad narrator can bring down a great story to an average one. Well this one, my folks, is a GREAT narrator.
In case you haven’t realised, I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS BOOK! It had absolutely everything I love in a good sci-fi, but the writing my friends… The writing was absolutely superb! I cannot put it into words how this book resonated with me and touched me. It made me think about my life, space, and our place as humans in the universe. It absolutely BLEW my mind!
Would I recommend Children Of Time?
ABSOLUTELY!! Any Sci-fi fans, sci-fi novices or anyone with an interest in space, evolution, or just bloody good writing should try this one! I am sure I am going to read and listen to this many MANY times in future.
I purchased Children of Time at my own expense through
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